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The set of fee-assessment-at-source mechanism of used containers and the evaluation of its feasibility

This research study first provides a detailed analysis of the approach to assess fees on used containers at source. On the one hand, it explores decision-making theory and principles for environmental policies, compares the degree of fit of current fee assessment approach and the fee-assessment-at-source approach to the decision rules, and uses the result as the basis for assessing fees at source. On the other hand, it empirically analyzes the feasibility of sessing fees on used containers at source in the nation, using criteria such as legal feasibility, implementation cost effectiveness, and the economic impacts on affected industries. he research is focused on the following: (1) Survey and analyze the basic data on the production of materials used in different containers, numbers of importers, quantity and directions of sales flows and usage, as well as the chemistry of the materials. (2) Assess the criteria and priority order by source materials of the fee- assessment-at-source approach.
fee-assessment-at-source, legal feasibility, implementation cost effectiveness, the economic impacts on affected industries